Cargo transportation from Norway to Russia mostly specializes in seafood, equipment and machinery for machine- and ship-building industries, chemicals, and final goods. Russian import to Norway is mostly raw materials. Norway's main exported goods are oil and oil products.
For cargo transportation to Norway from its partner states, such as England, the Netherlands, Germany, and Russia, Major Logistics Groups implements various logistics procedures to optimize the Client's costs. The Client gets:
- fast and full completion of customs procedures;
- the whole set of warehousing services, and safe storage;
- 24/7 personal manager support;
- assistance from experts in industrial solutions;
- the ability to monitor and trace the cargo location through MAP web-system.
Major guarantees full control over all delivery stages. It helps to minimize the Client's risks and expenses related to cargo delivery from Norway. Out high level of expertise in transport and logistics services minimizes the Client's risks and helps them to sustain their high competitiveness.